Treason, Revealing That Important Information on Social Media

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A petition regarding treason

treasonThere is a petition going around Canada demanding that the RCMP arrest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for treason. Emails & social media send people to the Petitions24 website. The main web page begins with the 4 paragraphs below.

Justin Trudeau, with the Liberal government, has conspired with known terrorist and former Nazi collaborator George Soros to sell Canada’s Syrian migrant policy to 13 undisclosed countries. Soros’s (Open Society Foundation) role on the world stage is: fund regime change and/or destabilize nations, fund terrorism and import unvetted Islamic economic migrants infiltrated by radical Islamic terrorists under the false pretense of “refugee”.  Trudeau and Soros have just increased migrant entry from 25000-50000+ per year. In 2 more years there will be an army inside the border. 

Considering Canada and “western” nations have been at war with radical Islamic terrorists since 9/11, the Liberal government actions constitute HIGH TREASON (section 1B,1C) and TREASON (section 2A-2E) as defined in the criminal code of Canada and is punishable with life in prison.

This has nothing to do with race or racism. It is about an immigration policy mirrored in europe which is now openly admitted to be a dangerous failure and still… Trudeau has brought it home to you.

The Trudeau Liberals have legislated similar migrant policy, hate speech laws, sharia blasphemy laws, and political correctness as Sweden. Swedish women and children are now suffering the most brutal and violent sexual assaults at the hands of Radical Islamic terrorists. These laws have rendered the police and the male citizens powerless to stop these vicious attacks due to risk of imprisonment. This will be the Trudeau/Soros legacy in Canada should you choose to ignore this issueRead more.

The world is getting better

treasonWatch the TED talk called Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers.

The statistics tell us that the world’s people are becoming more literate, working shorter hours, enjoying more electricity & running water and enjoying much less homicide. The human race is becoming healthier, wealthier, wiser, safer & healthier.

Let’s keep it that way in Canada & get rid of our prime minister.

How to get the message out

The list below gives links on how to use various social media to get this petition message out:




What are we trying to prevent?

Before Justin Trudeau became prime minister, our budget was balanced and our grandchildren could look forward to good future. Trudeau has given billions of our tax dollars to foreign entities such as the Clinton Foundation and an Aga Khan Afghanistan charity. We have to pay for that with increased taxation.

Watch the YouTube videos below to get an idea of the type of immigrant his policies will bring into Canada.

Becoming a Palestinian Bomber
Heritage of the Palestinians


Within Pinterest, the Source When Pinning to Pages & Boards

New pins on boards & within pages

within PinterestWhen pinning a new pin for the first time, it is best to source your pin from within Pinterest. You want to let Pinterest know how popular your new pin is.

So, do not add the pin to additional pages from you image library. Do not pin it to different boards from your web page. In both cases, repin it from within Pinterest.

In the example on this post, the URL is

How to embed Pinterest pins within a page

1. Pinterest pin URL

Go to & find the pin you with to embed. Click on it so that it is full screen. Cmd C to copy URL into clipboard.

2. Add specialized code within Pinterest

  • If you are not there already, go to the Pinterest widget builder.
  • Click on the Pin widget link.
  • Cmd V to paste pin URL (see image below.)
  • Choose desired pin size.
  • Add this code on the page you wish the pin to appear:<a data-pin-do=”embedPin” data-pin-width=”large” href=””></a>. Note: It must be added in Text View.
  • Include pinit.js once per page, just before the closing </BODY> tag: <script async defer src=”//”></script>.


The above instructions will produce the pin below.


Text view: As I’m creating this post, I’ve become aware of a bug in the software. In case you have the same bug, let me give you a workaround.

The code that gives the Pinterest pin must be inserted in Text View. Visual view will not work. Then you save it & view your post. If you edit the same post in visual view, the bug will delete the code.

Click here to learn more.

Related pages

How to Use Pinterest
How to Increase Web Clicks Using Pinterest
How to Link to Pinterest from Various Social Media
The Marketing Strategy Behind Posting Other People’s Pins to Your
Pinterest Board
How to Use Pinterest in Your Blog


How to Create a Powerful Group Pinterest Board

What is a group Pinterest board?

A group Pinterest board is a collaborative board owned by one person. Pinners with a similar interest will frequently pin to the board. The board gains followers faster than a regular board because there is a certain amount of hype around it. The group Pinterest board could easily have only a dozen contributors but tens of thousands of followers.

What if you have one hundred followers of your own boards. Then you join a group board belonging to someone who has 50 thousand followers. Any Pins you add to the group board can now appear in the home feed of your followers and the 50 thousand followers of the group owner.

Unless the owner of a group Pinterest board prohibits it, anyone who has posted to the board can invite other people to post to the board.

group Pinterest boardHow to get the hype started

I’m promoting an online training manual called How to Serve Customers with Disabilities. While this manual applies to many different industries, I am starting by targeting the restaurant industry. So, I started a board called Restaurants and Disabilities.

My first post was the pin you see here. It’s about training restaurant serving staff. As a Pinterest pin, it links to

After this pin was in my new board, I began searching for and posting attractive pins about restaurants and about disabilities. I will be posting at least 5 a day.

Go to this Pinterest blog post and look at #3, Get Followers. Using what you see in the YouTube video, I will attempt to contact the creator of each pin and invite them to join our group Pinterest board.

I will be saying something such as, “Please pass this email onto whoever is in charge of your social media marketing.

There is a lack of Pinterest boards about restaurants serving people with disabilities. So, I’ve started a new board called Restaurants and Disabilities. I’ve posted one of your pins to this board. It’s here:

I’d love it if you could join this group board. Note that group boards are one way of driving lots of traffic to your website.

To join the Restaurants & Disabilities board, go to Click on the Follow button beneath the pin. To promote your cause, it would be a good idea to regularly add pins about Restaurants & Disabilities.”

Then I would give a link straight to the board.

How I invited a pin owner to join the group Pinterest board

Every day I will add 5 new pins to the Restaurants & Disabilities group board. I will try to contact the owner of each pin & invite them to join my group board.

The first one I contacted took some detective work. The website connected to the pin was from the Anchorage Daily News. It obviously was a pin about one of their human interest news stories.

The story took place in a business called Little Italy Restaurante. So, I searched online for Anchorage Little Italy Restaurante. I got to their website. It had a Contact Us form.

I sent an email similar to the sample in the section above this one.

How to join a group Pinterest board

If you see a Pinterest pin and you wish to follow the board from which it originally came, follow the instructions in the video below.

Above you will see a pin called Train Your Staff How to Serve Customers with Disabilities. In the section above you will see how to join the board from which this came.

Related page

How to get 100 web page clicks daily by using Pinterest

How to Increase Web Clicks Using Pinterest

100 clicks a day from Pinterest

PinterestJonathan Gebauer from The Social Ms is a social media whiz with 170,000 Twitter followers. I just read his email about Pinterest.

He wrote about what you can do to get 100 clicks a day from Pinterest. All you have to do, Jonathan says, is work with the four points below a half hour a day for 2 weeks.

1. Find your niche

  • PinterestAsk yourself, “What would my customers search for on Pinterest?” For instance, I’m selling a training manual entitled How to Serve Customers with Disabilities. Logic would tell me that they would search for staff training. So, I should have a board on staff training.
  • Then get more specific. Precisely what form of staff training would my customer be interested in? I could call a board Disability Training.
    • If you have, for instance, a board for your jewellery business, Jewellery may not be precise enough for the search engines. People may be more inclined to search for “necklaces” or “bracelets”. So, have one  board called Necklaces and another called Bracelets.
  • Find your topic & stick to it for the long haul. Pinterest shows people pin based on what they’ve pinned & repined.

2. Start pinning

Pin daily to your board or boards. Pin 5-10 other people’s pins for each one of your own.

Pinterest is interest & keyword based. So, make sure each of the pins is related to your board. Make sure each pin on a particular board is related to your keywords & interests.

3. Get followers

Every day follow a couple of people. People will begin to follow you. Try to get a couple hundred followers.

To follow or unfollow a particular board:

  1. Search for the person & visit their profile
  2. Click Follow or Unfollow

If the above does not work, watch the video below.

4. Group boards

Find group boards in your niche. Contact the owners and ask if they want to work together and share content. After I’ve found a few of these cooperative group boards, post to each one every day.

You get a targeted audience that isn’t seeing you yet.

Learn how to create & use group Pinterest boards.


Multiple pages about Pinterest

Go to this menu to find multiple tips about using Pinterest.

How to Post Other Powerful Pins onto Your Board

boardBest pinning practice


It is best practice to pin 5 to 10 Pinterest pins that other people have created for each of your own. There is a strong correlation between how often you pin other people’s content to your board and how often Pinterest will show your content to your followers. It’s built into Pinterest’s algorithm.

Pinning other people’s pins in 3 steps

1. Log into Pinterest

You must log into Pinterest so that your boards will show up.

2. Search for pins for your board

boardI wanted to add more pins to my cybersecurity board. I searched for cybersecurity pinterest. I saw titles such as 55 Best Cybersecurity Images on Pinterest. All I had to do was pin the best 5 – 10 images.


3. Find image & click save

boardWhen you find an image you want, hover over it. A red Save button will show up in the right-hand corner.

Click the Save button.

The names of your boards will show up. Click on the Save button on the board you want. In my case it was Cybersecurity.

That’s all you have to do. Just find 5 – 10 of the most attractive images & pin them to your board.

Adobe Stock Images Review

Introducing Adobe Stock images

Adobe StockI have been using Adobe Stock images for several years. I highly recommend them IF you can reasonably use 10 images per month.

They have tens of millions of images from which to choose. All you have to do is type in the correct keywords and you will find an image you like.

Caveat before you sign up

I found that I was not using enough images. So, I started the process of cancelling my subscription. I got the above cancellation fee message.

They gave me to take the next 60 days at no charge if I would not cancel. So, that’s the option I took.

Why use Adobe Stock images?

Adobe Stock

There are several reasons why you might want to use Adobe Stock images:

  • When visitors find your page, you must grab their attention within seconds. Otherwise they may go to another page and never go to your website again.
  • People are more likely to start reading short lines. If your amazing image covers half of your first paragraph, visitors will read your short lines. Now thatAdobe Stock you have their attention, they are more likely to read the rest of the article.
  • People usually do not read a web page; they will skim it. When you have attractive, pertinent images, it is easier to grasp the concepts while skimming.
  • Video marketing is becoming more popular and more important with every passing month. Having attractive,Adobe Stock pertinent images in your videos & animated GIFs makes people more likely to pay attention to them.
  • They are only $3 (USD) each. You pay $30/month for 10 photos. What you do not use will be accumulated into the next month.


How to find an image

Adobe StockLet’s say you are writing an article about a sales funnel. You want to grab the visitors’ attention from the very beginning. You also want the first lines to be short so that people would read them. Then you would draw them in so that they would read the rest of the article.

You remember seeing a picture like the one to the left. So, you would log into Adobe Stock and search for “sales funnel people”.

You would end up with over a hundred pictures from which to choose. You begin the process of Adobe Stockcollecting around 10 or 20 possible pictures you might use.

So, you hover over the bottom of each picture that is a candidate. Click on the Save Preview to Computer icon. All of these watermarked images will be saved in your Downloads folder.

After you have sufficient watermarked sales funnels, you go into your Downloads folder and choose the best image. You write down its unique number. Then enter it into the Adobe Stock search engine.

Your favourite image will show up. You hover over the bottom and select the License & Save to Computer image. You go back into your Downloads folder. Give your new image without the watermark a descriptive name.

Thus Adobe Stock has helped you make a more attractive blog post.

Adobe Stock is not for everyone

Adobe StockFor people who use significantly fewer than 10 images a month, there are better alternatives such as Dreamstime. Instead of paying for 10 images up front, you buy points. Each image costs so many points. Left-over points can be used to pay for part of another image.

Dreamstime also has a number of free images. (They have over 58 million images altogether.) The free ones are often lower quality. However, I have used them in attractive animated GIFs more than once. To access their website, go to

If you go there now, you will see a Free Images tab at the top. Click on it and then enter keywords into the search box. Your free images will show up first. The higher quality images will show up next. You have to pay for images from that group.

Adobe StockI’d like to point out the Stock Footage tab. That’s where you can get super high quality video clips to use as introductions to your YouTube videos. The animated GIF you see here represents how I introduce most videos on my Web Design YouTube channel.



video marketingPeter Enns has been developing websites since 1996. As a VA (virtual assistant), he specializes in new website development, researching and writing blog posts and creating videos for YouTube and as animated GIFs. He is a social media blogger and author of a free YouTube tutorial. It’s called 7 Day YouTube and will teach you how to make entertaining videos & animated GIFs.

video marketing tweets

Pinterest Pin, How to Make One

What are Pinterest pins?

Pinterest pinPinterest pins are visual bookmarks. They are pictures that you add to boards on the Pinterest website. Each pin links back to the website from which it came.

The animated GIF above illustrates how a Pinterest pin is created. That pin can be found on a web page called Value-added Email Marketing to Sell Online. If you find that pin on the Pinterest website and click on it, you will be taken to the Value Added Email website.

Characteristics of good Pinterest pins

  • Eye catching. You most likely would like people to add your pins to their web pages. So, it should have visual appeal.
  • 600 pixels wide. It is a good idea to make you pins exactly 600 pixels wide so that they are the same width as other pins on the Pinterest website.
  • Maximum 1900 pixels high. The maximum allowable height of a pin is 1900 pixels. Note that it is a good idea to make a pin long enough so that the viewer has to scroll down a bit. It gets them more involved.
  • Use a high quality photo editor.  I use GIMP.
  • Use a minimum amount of text.  Say what you need to say and say no more.


How to make a Pinterest pin in 4 steps

The above animated GIF takes 10 seconds to illustrate how to make an effective Pinterest pin. Let me expand that a little to explain what is happening.

I’m using social media to try to get people to my Email Marketing blog post. The half-life of a Pinterest pin is 1600 times longer than a Facebook post. It can be sending traffic to your website MONTHS after it was published. Keep that in mind while you are deciding how to make a particular pin.

1. Decide upon your main goal

My main goal for the example pin is to get people to a particular web post.

2. Decide what must be on the pin

My pin must show what are the benefits of going to the Email Marketing web page: learning how to

a. Collect visitors names & email addresses.
b. Sell things using that data.

Look at the pin below to see how I did that using the minimum number of words. (Notice how the words are surrounded with lots of white space.)

I had to tell people to go to a particular web page. In order to minimize the number of words, I used Bitly to shorten the URL from to Not only is it shorter but it is easy to remember.

The form that collected the name & email had to be there as well as some other pictures that helped to tell the story.

3. Collect pictures

I performed a web search for “pinterest pins email marketing”. The picture on the right shows what I found.

I want people to select my pin when there are many other email marketing pins from which to choose. So, seeing those pins would help me with my creative processes. I want my pin to have more eye appeal than any of the others.

There are a number of websites where you can find free pictures. One of them can be found at It has free images, paid images and paid videos.

When I want pictures that make a Pinterest pin stand out, I always pay for mine. To find the main picture in the pin below, I went to a paid picture site and entered “email marketing” in the search box. It gave me hundreds of choices.

I chose the three images that you see in the pin below. I chose those 3 because they were all eye catching.

The top one makes an excellent title picture. The other two represent the idea of selling online using a list of email addresses.

Pinterest pin




Peter Enns has been developing websites since 1996. He is a social media blogger and author of a free YouTube tutorial. It’s called 7 Day YouTube and will teach you how to make entertaining videos & animated GIFs.


Video Greeting Card, How to Create One

 3 characteristics of a video greeting card

video greeting card title page♦ A video greeting card should have exactly ONE single message.
♦ The video has to express the message better than a paper greeting card could.
♦ It has to be personalized.
Watch the video below about how to create a video greeting card. The one single message is that the man’s love for his wife keeps getting stronger.

It was personalized by artistically displaying photos that were found in the wife’s Facebook albums.

To learn more much about creating entertaining videos including video greeting cards, check out the free YouTube tutorial, especially lesson 4.

Animated GIFs

Because of the way technology and society are changing, movement on your blog pages, etc. is more important than ever. Forbes Magazine says, “Brands that fail to incorporate visuals and videos will be left by the wayside.”

Read the text beside the growing heart above. If a picture is worth a thousand words, an animated GIF of a growing heart is worth more than a thousand words. The animation really helps people to remember a concept.

The free YouTube tutorial also shows you how to make animated GIFs.

This message on social media

In order to spread the message of this blog, I had 8 different social media referring to it. This is how I used 4 of those social media.


I wrote this article.






Peter Enns has been developing websites since 1996. He is a social media blogger and author of a free YouTube tutorial. It’s called 7 Day YouTube and will teach you how to make entertaining videos & animated GIFs.


Combine Social Media for a Multiplying Effect

Eight social media

Snowball pushed by boyIf you combine 8 different social media, your marketing efforts can snowball.  A SlideShare post can send people to a YouTube video.  That YouTube  video can send people to a blog.  And so on.


This page has been summarized in the YouTube video below.

Start with a blog

Note for NewbiesI always start with a blog.  I decide upon the message I want to get across.  Before I start creating content, I use Google Trends to find one or more keywords that closely relate to that content.  I might use Hashtagify to find closely related Twitter hashtags.

The above exercise will help me create a title.  It will also give me some keywords that I will likely try to combine within the article.  (Careful: In order to get high rankings with the Google search engine, all of the ideas in each paragraph should flow naturally.)

Earn a percentage of the selling price for every book sold.

Click here to learn more.

SEO your blog

I always use WordPress for my blogs.

There is a reason why a quarter of the websites in the world use WordPress.  One reason is because they provide so many free plugins such as SEO by Yoast.

From the beginning I start search engine optimizing (SEO) my blog.  I go down to my SEO by Yoast and decide upon a focus keyword.  That will be a keyword I got by using Google Trends and/or Hashtagify.  As I write the blog post, I make sure the points in SEO by Yoast are covered.

Starting the blog

I write out the idea I wanted to get across.  If it is less than 300 words, I use CurationSoft to get summaries of articles related to my topic.

Learn about blogging with consistent quality content.

Facebook, Twitter & Google Plus

For my social media marketing I always use a blog followed by Facebook, Twitter & Google Plus.  If I feel so inclined, I will also add Pinterest, YouTube, SlideShare and LinkedIn.

It is quick & simple to use Facebook, Twitter & Google Plus to promote your blog.  You are increasing the probability that the search engines will find your blog.

Same picture 3 social mediaTo the right is a sample of Facebook, Twitter & Google Plus all promoting the same blog post.  They all use more or less the same high-quality stock image.

However, note that the wording of the text is different in each one.  That is to make sure that the search engines to not penalize me for having duplicate content.

The “social” in social media

2 people having coffeeWith social media we are socializing with people.  We are not blatantly trying to sell them something.

If you want to sell people something, do it in a convoluted way so that they feel like they are socializing with you.

Subtle theme

Scam in Red Keyboard Magnifying GlassEven the theme of your posts may be expressed subtly.  I was recently a victim of credit card fraud.  I want to let people know about that but I don’t want to overdue it.

So, I made a blog post and a YouTube video about finding high quality stock photos.  It subtly linked to the blog post about credit card fraud.


Watch the YouTube video I mentioned above.  Read this page.  Pay special attention to the idea of 30 videos in 30 days.

Read the post about video marketing and getting started with YouTube.


Click the white arrows on the SlideShare presentation below.

Properly-made SlideShare presentations are powerful.  Your organic searches can be larger than your Facebook and Twitter searches combined.  Besides that, starting at slide #4 you can have multiple links to your web pages.


Read this article I wrote on LinkedIn.  It also subtly promotes credit card fraud.


Credit Card Fraud pinHere is the  Pinterest pin I created using that magnifying glass graphic.  See this Pinterest pin in the Pinterest website.

Note that as the months or even years go by, a Pinterest pin can become more popular.  This is opposed to Facebook or Twitter where your posts rarely get shared after the day they were first posted.

Also note that it is very important to have compelling photos.


Peter Enns has been developing websites since 1996. He is a social media blogger and author of the free YouTube video-creation tutorial called 7 Day YouTube.
