Free photo editor?
GIMP is a program that a group of programming volunteers created to more or less do what PhotoShop does.
I’ve been using GIMP regularly for the past couple of years and I really like it and use it a lot.
For instance, I need GIMP to make proper Twitter posts. A good Tweet usually has a picture accompanying it. That way a person gets way more views. However, parts of an image are often cut off unless the picture has the proper aspect ratio of 2 wide to one high.
When I send out a Tweet, I usually use GIMP to change the dimensions of the image. (See Don’t Crop Twitter Image.)
Edit pictures like a pro
When you edit pictures, you can:
♦ Change hair color
♦ Add highlights to hair
♦ Change eye color
♦ Remove pimples
♦ Remove freckles
♦ And much much more.
Related page
Editing photos with a “Free” photo editor
Peter Enns has been developing websites since 1996. He is a social media blogger and author of the free YouTube video-creation tutorial called 7 Day YouTube.