What do Facebook pixels do?
Effective advertising on Facebook is all about targeting. This series of blog posts talks about Facebook advertising using very effective quizzes. Facebook pixels can help you collect the statistics about a quiz. You can collect things such as
- How many answers for each question were correct?
- How popular were the various themes within a quiz?
- Who filled out the lead generation form? (Then you can send emails to each of those people.)
The Facebook Pixel is the main tool you can use to track events on a website. You can then use data from the pixel to:
- Build custom audiences based upon activity on your website.
- Measure conversion activity and determine which ads lead to results such as purchases.
What are Facebook pixels?
Facebook pixels are tiny images within a website to help you track data. You place the image on the website in the form of a code snippet that you get from Facebook
Getting started
1. Create very short quiz
A sample is given below
2. Install Facebook Pixel Helper
Facebook Pixel Helper is to tool to verify that your pixel works properly. It also helps you troubleshoot common errors.
The Pixel Helper works in the background to automatically review the websites for code that looks like the Facebook Pixel. When a website has a Facebook Pixel installed, the </> icon in your browser turns blue and a small badge will appear indicating the number of pixels found on the page.
If the icon does not turn blue then there are no Facebook pixels installed on this page.
Click the </> icon and a small popup appears information for debugging your pixel and seeing the data tracked by the pixel.
Here are the instructions for downloading & installing it: Install Pixel Helper. Read instructions before downloading it.
How to find pixel code snippet
Open Facebook > Ad > 3 bars to left of Ads Manager > Pixels > Details > Set Up > Manually Install the Code Yourself.
The code will look something like this:
<!– Facebook Pixel Code –>
s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,’script’,
fbq(‘init’, ‘322497177900987’);
fbq(‘track’, ‘PageView’);
<noscript><img height=”1″ width=”1″ style=”display:none”
<!– End Facebook Pixel Code –>
Where & how to insert code snippet
You should insert that pixel code just before you closing head tag (</head>).
I use WordPress. To insert the code, I got a free plugin called Header and Footer Scripts Inserter.
So, in Edit mode, I opened the page that needed the code. Then, in my Installed Plugins panel, I clicked on Settings and pasted the code in the panel right below Scripts from this field will be printed in the beginning of HEAD section. Do not place plain text in this!
Scripts from this field will be printed in the end of HEAD section.