How to Add an Animated GIF to Facebook

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Animated GIF & then text

FacebookThis post discusses how you can insert two different types of animated GIFs into Facebook. In a nutshell, to add your animated GIF, you first of all paste the URL of the GIF into Facebook. Then you add a few spaces and type in your text.

We first discuss free animated GIFs and then animated GIFs that you create.

Free animated GIFs 

  1. Go to a website such as and select an animated GIF you like.
  2. Select URL in address bar.
  3. Cmd C to copy into clipboard.

Animated GIFs you created

  1. Add Media button, & Upload Files button
  2. Drag GIF from Finder
  3. Click Insert Into Post
  4. Select text near GIF
  5. FacebookLook at page in Text mode
  6. There will be a URL near text you selected
  7. Select URL & Cmd C to copy into clipboard.
  8. Click Update button to save all your work.

Click here to learn more.

Create Facebook post

  1. Open FacebookFacebook
  2. Cmd V to paste URL
  3. Add a few spaces
  4. Type text
  5. Click Post button.

You’re finished

Watch the YouTube video below to help you understand every point above.







VideoGuy Enns

Author: VideoGuy

I've been a professional educator for years. Right now I'm creating short tutorials about many facets of video creation.

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