How to Use a Drop Down Tablet Menu

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Visitors are using tablets

One day recently there were drop downONE BILLION different people using Facebook.  In other words, one human out of seven was on Facebook that day! And many of them were using drop down menus on their tablets.

You can rest assured that at least 700 million of those people were using mobile devices.  If you want people to be able to find your website, you absolutely must have your pages mobile ready.  Not only that, but people have to be educated on how to use their tablet computer.

This blog post tells how tablet users can properly access a complex horizontal drop down menu.  It might be wise to have a link from your FAQ page to this page.

It would also be a good idea to pin this graphic to a Pinterest board.  Your tablet visitors must be properly educated.

Confusion — change of protocol with drop down menu

The above image was created a few years ago. You now simply tap to get to a new post/page. You hold if you want to do one of these five things:

  • Open in a new tab. It may take a few seconds. The link pressed will open in a new tab on your tablet. The original page will stay intact.
  • Open incognito. Pages you view will not stick around in your browser’s history, cookie store or search history.
  • Copy link address into clipboard. To paste into email or text box using an Android:
    • Navigate to where you wish to paste
    • Press & hold finger until Edit Text menu appears
    • Tap Paste Text option
  •  Copy link text
  • Download link. Wait a second or two & you can click on the blue open text.

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Forget about drop down menus

Some people such as this Smashing Magazine writer still like drop down menus. It’s a matter of personal preference. I never have them in my websites. Because it is so rare these days, you could just confuse people.


drop down  drop downFacebook logo




VideoGuy Enns

Author: VideoGuy

I've been a professional educator for years. Right now I'm creating short tutorials about many facets of video creation.

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