Learning each medium one at a time
Social media marketing is essential for most businesses these days. While deciding upon your social media strategies, start small. Otherwise you can be overwhelmed. Master one social medum at a time. After you are good enough, go onto the next one.
In my opinion, these are the best seven social media in which to promote most brands. Each summary below has a link to a page or pages with more details.
Whichever media you choose, remember that it is SOCIAL. You should not blatantly be trying to sell something when people expect to be social. People will simply stop looking at your posts.
Social media in this page
On this page we are discussing
1. A blog
2. Facebook
3. Pinterest
4. Twitter
5. Google Plus
6. YouTube
7. SlideShare.
Let’s discuss each of these briefly.
A blog as part of your social media strategies
What’s a blog?
A blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group. It is usually is written in an informal or
conversational style.
The BlogBasics website says It is a place to express yourself to the world. A place to share your thoughts and your passions. Really, it’s anything you want it to be. For our purposes we’ll say that a blog is your own website that you are going to update on an ongoing basis. Blog is a short form for the word
weblog and the two words are used interchangeably.
Blogs are not only for individuals to express their passions. If you have a business and want it to thrive in this digital age, you should have a blog.
Any one blog has one central theme. For ideas on how to find regular, high quality information for your blog, read the Finding New Blog Content article.
Earn a percentage of the selling price for every book sold.
Marketing power of your blog
The Business 2 Community website says
Organic and low-cost marketing techniques have become increasingly effective within multiple industries. Take blogging, for example, which not only creates additional landing pages that can be indexed by Google but also enables brands to rank higher in relation to specific keyword phrases.
In this respect, a commercial blog is arguably the most powerful marketing tool at your disposal in 2016. Readily accessible and easily affordable, it offers you a unique opportunity to enhance your brand’s online visibility, engage potential customers and improve sales conversion rates. Read more.
Facebook is a social networking website that makes it easy for you to connect and share with your family and friends online. It is an ESSENTIAL part of most social media strategies. If you want to use it for your business, create a special Facebook page related to that business.
Then combine it with other social media to link to or from that page. For instance, for every Social Media Marketing blog post, I link from my Facebook page to that post.
For more information about marketing with Facebook, read the article about the 9 Facebook Marketing Tricks.
Slides about Facebook marketing strategies
- Watch the SlideShare presentation about the Top 10 Facebook Marketing Strategies
2. In this presentation Misty the Marketing Coach will share with Small Business Owners how to attract quality fans, promote their business, capture leads, and sell their products and services on Facebook.
3. Most important presentation –> Essence of Facebook Marketing covers: – Introduction to Facebook Marketing, – Facebook Marketing Strategies, – Stages of Facebook Marketing, – Organic and Paid Facebook Marketing, – Facebook EdgeRank (The Facebook Post Algorithm) – Facebook …
Pinterest is becoming much more popular. It therefore should be a very important part of your social media strategies.
It is a social media site in which you have a story to tell and tell it with attractive graphics. To the left you see a pin about making a WordPress website.
Notice the CTA (call to action) at the bottom. If you go into my Pinterest pages, you can click on it and be directed to a website.
If you hover your mouse pointer over that graphic, a graphic that says “Pin It” in red letters will show up. If people like your graphic enough, they will “pin” it to one of their Pinterest boards.
You should pin something every day — either your own pins or other people’s pins.
My blog is about social media marketing. So, I go to pinterest.com and search for “social media marketing”. I find other people’s pins about social media marketing. I then select a really good one and post it to my social media marketing board.
Occasionally I make up my own graphics. Learn how to use Pinterest for your business.
Pinterest tools for marketers
The Search Engine People website says
And among today’s top social media networks, Pinterest is the one medium that utilizes images as its main offering — except that there’s something more of benefit for content marketers too, and this comes in the form of link sharing.
By “pinning”, or uploading images on Pinterest, you get to attach a URL of your choice, such as a link back to your site. The best thing about this process is that this linkback will be coming from a reputable online source. As your post gets repinned by other users, Pinterest will keep linking to the original URL, which is the link back to your site. Read more.
Some people call Twitter micro blogging because you use 140 characters or less. If you use a graphic, that takes up 23 of those characters. A hyperlink takes up another 23.
For every blog I write, I have a tweet with a good image linking to that blog. Having an eye-catching image with each tweet should be part of the social media strategies of every business.
Caution: Do not use more than two hashtags. That would be too distracting.
That “Jaws” tweet is a good tweet. Read 8 characteristics of a good tweet. Read more about Twitter.
Using Twitter Marketing Strategies
The Sequitur website says
Your primary aim as a Twitter marketer is to find other members who are interested in your product or service so they will “follow you.” Following is the Twitter equivalent of social bookmarking. It means you have been “noted” and that everyone on someone else’s Twitter list has noticed that notation because they have been sent a brief message. Before you know it that person’s followers are then following you.
Once your message has caught fire and gone viral you can make a lot of sales. The hardest part of using Twitter is finding the followers in the first place. Read more.
Google Plus
Google Plus is a complex social medium with many facets. Learn and begin to use one facet at a time. Then you can learn more facets as you can use them.
My social media strategies for Google Plus are similar to the way I use my Facebook Social Media Marketing page. (I always make sure that the wording is different from Facebook.) I give a very brief description of my latest blog, I attach one of the best pictures from the blog and I make a link to the blog.
5 strategies to increase engagement on Google+
The Business to Community website says
Whether you own an eCommerce or a brick-and-mortar business, utilizing Google+ as a networking and media tool is a smart strategy. With well over one-hundred-million active users, Google+ is ranked as one of the world’s top social media websites; however, their algorithm goes far beyond the conventional features of “sharing and liking” content.
In this article, I share 5 strategies that you can easily implement in your Google+ regimen to increase the engagement of your followers and help your customers find you on the web. Read more.
YouTube will be getting more and more popular as the next several years go by. People will be wanting to see videos on products before they buy them. If you have a business, having a YouTube presence is becoming more important.
Watch the video about 10 tips for creating better videos. Those tips are also discussed in one of my blog pages.
YouTube marketing strategy
The My Ad Ran website says
YouTube marketing has become an essential part of any successful network or an online marketing strategy. YouTube, according to Alexa data analysis is the third most visited site in the world rankings after Facebook and Google.
Alexa reports that each visitor spends an average of 24.02 minutes per day looking for or just browsing YouTube. Many network marketers have experienced a significant improvement in their business using video marketing on YouTube or any other site for sharing videos. Read more.
Often a YouTube video moves too fast for people to absorb the entire message. It can often help if they can watch a slide show. Most of the slides will consist of compelling graphics with a small amount of text to fully explain it.
Watch the SlideShare presentation below to see a good example. Notice the hyperlinks in the slides. Starting in the fourth slide, you can start linking to pages where you sell things or simply want to give extra information.
Use the horizontal menu above to find a post about how to create clickable hyperlinks.
Learn how to get started with SlideShare.
Using SlideShare in your content marketing strategy
The Business 2 Community website says
SlideShare is regarded as the giant of content marketing – according to Steve Olenski, a contributor to Forbes Magazine.
The following tips will help content marketers get started integrating SlideShare into their content strategy. Read more.
More information on the best social media
You can find lots more information about these 7 best social media by going to the top of this page and looking at the blog titles. As you hover over each of the social media tabs, the sub-menus will show up listing all of the blog posts about that particular media.
If you are having trouble figuring out how to access those sub-menus with a tablet, go to the tablet menu blog post.
Facebook group post
I’ve been trying to promote a book called How to Serve People with Disabilities. So, I searched on Facebook for a group about people with disabilities.
I found a group about disabilities that has around 15,000 members. I created the post below. Notice how it asks for help in the last paragraph.
Generally speaking, people like to give free advice. I’m hoping that I can get people engaged with my topic by wanting to give free advice.
There is a reason more companies aren’t doing more things friendly to people with disabilities. No one ever brought it to their attention in a way that they would understand. It is up to those of us who are educated about such problems.
Our statistics dept. says that 13.7% of our population has a disability that interferes with their daily lives. We have to get that message out to businesses & public service offices.
The man in this picture is Michael Haines. He has cerebral palsy. He has been really annoyed that so many businesses have given him and people with other disabilities such poor service. So, he decided to do something about it.
He started writing a manual for businesses on how to serve customers with disabilities. Then, last March, he linked up with a nurse & a ghost writer to finish the manual.
It took 3 months of extensive work. In the end they came up with an excellent ebook that is available on Amazon for around $7.75 USD. It’s like a textbook for businesses to let their staff learn from & to teach them how to treat people with a wide variety of disabilities. To learn more about the book, go to http://howtoservecustomerswithdisabilities.com/.
I’m trying to help Michael out. Does anyone out there have any ideas on how to let businesses know that this book is available?