Graphics in your social marketing posts
If you want to promote your business online, you MUST use graphics. You must hone your social marketing skills. And you must use graphics in EACH of your social marketing posts.
Look at three of the social media to which I post regularly: Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Notice that virtually every post has an interesting graphic.
Sources of graphics
You can be sued thousands of dollars. Don’t download graphics from a website and use them without permission.
Often I will buy a $3 photo from Adobe Stock. I go to their website. (It has over 30 million catalogued photos.) I will search for descriptive terms.
For instance, the title of this post is Social Marketing and Graphics. I wanted a good picture that I could use near the top of the post and within each social media. So, I entered this into the search box: social marketing graphics.
Using that method, I purchased the “Tweet Like Photo” graphic you see in the first paragraph of this post.
That graphic will be in my Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. posts. Each of those posts will link to this blog post.
Here is a link to a blog post that gives you 10 different websites that give away free stock images.
5 visual contents to supercharge blog posts
The BizCommunity website says

Social media cover photos

One of the best ways to improve your social media presence is to take advantage of your profile headers. Use this space to show off your products or services or your brand’s personality. Read more.
Pictures speaking a million words
You’ve heard that images speak 1,000 words, right?
Well, on social they speak a million. When you design them with the intention of engaging your followers, you can seriously increase conversions and engagement, and boost your overall brand experience. Read more.
Social media infographic for a non-sexy business

Pinterest and social marketing
Pinterest posts can be much more valuable than Facebook or Twitter posts. Months after a Pinterest picture is published, it can still be sending people to a website. As a matter of fact, it can gain MORE visibility over time. If you are serious about social media marketing, you must use Pinterest.
Click on the “Pin it” button to add the pin below to one of your Pinterest boards.
For more information including how to get a copy of Marketing Graphics Toolkit, click here.
Other social media promoting the graphics toolkit
♦ YouTube
♦ SlideShare
♦ Twitter
♦ Facebook
♦ Google Plus
♦ A blog
♦ LinkedIn
Watch the YouTube video below
SlideShare presentation