1. Quality content
A trick I use to make sure my posts have high quality content is to use the SEO tools in Yoast SEO. Other tricks I used are in my blog post about finding high quality blog content.
2. Consistent content
Post regularly or people will forget about you and stop following you. The writer of the Dog Blog writes 5 days a week. Each of those days he uses Google to find an interesting news story about dogs.
3. Variety in content
Avoid lots of repetition in your posts. Otherwise, people will unfollow you.
4. Relate to your followers
Ideally you will become part of a community that relates regularly. Here are some tips for relating to your followers:
- Mention other users in your messages
- Respond to direct messages. Check for messages each day and respond to each one.
- Follow people back when they follow you.
- Retweet interesting messages on Twitter and share interesting Facebook posts.
Earn a percentage of the selling price for every book sold.
5. When free seo tools are not enough
Some if not all of the social media sites allow you to do some sort of advertising. For example, the Dog Blog people paid to have the video below on Facebook.
One week this gave them 8301 views of their Facebook Pet Memorial page. The page linked to the Dog Blog on their website.
The next week they had discontinued paying for the video. They had a grand total of of 66 views on their Facebook Pet Memorial page.
6. Give incentives to follow your posts
The Wishpond website gives some excellent ideas on how to get followers who are really interested on your product.
Photo courtesy Wishpond
7. Choose the right domain name
The right domain name can make branding much easier. The First Site Guide website has an excellent article on how to choose the ideal domain name.
Granite Pet Memorial Video
Don’t forget to use all of the SEO tools found in Yoast SEO.
Peter Enns has been developing websites since 1996. He is a social media blogger and author of a free YouTube tutorial. It’s called 7 Day YouTube and will teach you how to make entertaining videos & animated GIFs.