Facebook Marketing Tricks

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9 Different Facebook Marketing Strategies

Below are nine different Facebook marketing tricks to get more engagement from your Facebook audience.

1. Create a Facebook page

♦ Below are the steps required to make a Facebook page

  1. Go to facebook.com/pages/create.
  2. Click to choose a Page category.
  3. Select a more specific category from the dropdown menu and fill out the required information.
  4. Click Get Started and follow the on-screen instructions.

♦ See a sample Facebook page.

2. Use photo albums

Facebook page postsHaving Facebook Pages posts with photos is an important Facebook marketing strategy. Photos get more engagement than:

♦ Links,
♦ Videos or
♦ Text-based updates.

Other points to remember:

♦ Self-explanatory photos seem to work best.
♦ Photo posts get 120% more engagement than the average post.
♦ Photo albums get 180% more engagement.
♦ Better off to publish a number of photos in an album rather than have them posted separately.

(Percentages came from a Wishpond data study)

3. Write shorter posts

When people are on the Internet, the want their information quickly. That would explain why self-explanatory photos work better than other types. Note these statistics:

♦ Posts under 250 characters get 60% more engagement.
♦ 66% more engagement if fewer than 80 characters.

4. Most important posts on Thursday & Friday

Facebook marketingAs you can read in the FastCompany graphic to the right, Thursday and Friday posts have more engagement than those from earlier on in the week.

5. Use emoticons

Compare Facebook posts with and without emoticons:

♦ 33% more comments,
♦ Shared 33% more often and
♦ Get “liked” 57% more often.

Go to the Secret Emoticons website and click on the symbol in the Code column. When the space turns green, it has been copied into your clipboard. After that it is simply a matter of using Cmd V to paste it into your post.

More info. on Twitter Emoticon page.

6. Ask questions if you want comments

If you feel comments would get people more involved with your company, ask questions. These should mainly be the “should”, “would”, “which” and “who” type of questions.

7. Have contests

A report showed that 35% of Facebook fans liked a page so that they could compete in contests. A caption-this-photo type of contest brought 5.5 more comments than regular posts.

Contest-related words like winner, win, entry, contest, enter and promotions were more likely to engage users.

8. Give discounts and coupons

People like coupons. Facebook fans are 42% more likely to “like” a page if it can get them a discount or a coupon.

9. Write interesting, topical posts

  1. Decide upon general topic
  2. Use Google Trends to find long-tail keyword relating to topic


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VideoGuy Enns

Author: VideoGuy

I've been a professional educator for years. Right now I'm creating short tutorials about many facets of video creation.

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