Best Keyword Tool

Keyword page summary

Google Adwords

Finding Niche Keywords

  • To earn money online, find a niche market
  • Otherwise, too much competition.
    • For instance, to sell wrist watches, better to have a site about diving watches rather than watches in general.
    • Much less competition with diving watches.
    • Worldwide, watches has 301,000 monthly searches
    • Diving watches has 3600 monthly searches

Long-tail Keywords

  • Niche keywords called long-tail keywords
  • Long-tail refers to the fact that one or more words has been added to the short
  • Generally speaking, long-tail keywords have two to five words.

Search Engine Optimization

  • Having right long-tail keywords helps with SEO (search engine optimization)
  • Search engine optimization has 40,500 monthly searches
  • PPC is $13.99
  • So, search engine optimization would be an ideal keyword for a page about SEO or PPC

Update to this page

This new information is very important.  That is why the title is in red.

Google keeps changing their algorithm.  So, what is good advice in one month may be meaningless the next.  Look at the comment about the Hummingbird update: This particular update changed the way Google looked at searches so they no longer emphasize keywords but instead look at the intention behind the search.

That sentence is from 7 Things Google Wants to See on Your Blog.

Here is another thought from the same website: In the old days you’d just build back links with the anchor text “blogging tips” if you wanted to rank for that particular keyword.  Nowadays that’s a bit of a warning signal to Google because it looks like you’re intentionally trying to game the system.

Watching the YouTube videos on this page will be a good review AND give you a few more points about finding niche keywords.

10,000 – 100,000 monthly searches

When you find the Google Adwords statistics, tools > keyword planner may just give you a range such as 10k – 100k.  You might want some statistics more precise than that.

For instance, you want to decide if the focus keyword should be wordpress blog or wordpress website.  In order to get more precise amounts, you may have to place an ad with Google adwords.  If you are on a very tight budget, you can budget $5/day and then pause your ad before the end of the day.

Now, instead of each of the keywords using 10k – 100k for the number of searches, it would say

  • wordpress blog … 60,500 and
  • wordpress website … 22,200.


Related pages

The Blogpress webside says Today we’re talking about how to choose the best tags and keywords for
your articles and why this matters. Do you know what the “best” keywords and tags are and how do use them to get seen in search engines (Google, Bing,, etc)? We’ll show you.

The SocialControl website ask the question Are you trying to find the best keywords to optimize for? Here are a couple free ways to vitalize your keyword research.   More













