Social Media

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Feb.2/16Peter Enns      
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What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is the process of gaining website traffic or attention by means of social media platforms.  This web page is an example of social media marketing.  It illustrates 8 different social media platforms and shows how they are all integrated together to produce one common goal.

Integrate all platforms for a common goal

If you watched the YouTube video above, you will realize that its main purpose is to promote a keyword tool called Keyword Researcher.  That program is designed to help people write search engine optimized websites to increase the number of organic searches to the website.

Notice that, towards the end of the video, there is a link to a web page.  That web page also promotes Keyword Researcher.

The end of the video has a link to a blog that has the same purpose.   Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus each have a link to the actual YouTube page that has the YouTube video mentioned above.

How much does Keyword Researcher cost?

Keyword Researcher is quite affordable.  This is what to do if you want to find out the current price and discounts (if any):

♦ Go to the landing page.
♦ Click on the Keyword Researcher link.

SlideShare presentation

The SlideShare presentation below has eleven different slides that help to promote Keyword Researcher.  Starting at slide #4 you can have links to other web pages to help promote your products.

 Eight social media, count them

This page talks about 8 different interrelated social media.  They refer to each other in such a way as to make your social media marketing campaign snowball.

These are the 8 social media:

1. Your blog
2. Twitter
3. Facebook
4. Google Plus
5. SlideShare
6. Pinterest
7. YouTube
8. LinkedIn

Pinterest pins

The social medium below is a Pinterest
pin.  Its purpose is to promote Keyword Researcher.  It is an
infographic that briefly explains what Keyword Researcher does.  At the
bottom it has a link to this page.  (This page purposely begins with a
YouTube video that promotes Keyword Researcher.)

Note that clicking on the link from a regular web page will not make it hyperlink.  However, if you go to, you can find boards on all sorts of subjects.  If you go to my marketing board, click on the pertinent pin and then click on the new copy of that pin, it will link to the pertinent page.

















Twitter for blog’s table of contents     



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What is organic traffic?

This refers to visitors that comes to your website as a result of unpaid search results. A goal of SEO is to increase traffic to a website.  This can be done by making a website more searchable or by using pay per click (PPC). 

What are long-tail keywords?

Long-tail keywords are exact sequences of two or more words that people use to search for something on the Internet.  They tend to be very specific to whatever you are emphasizing on your web page.  In all likelihood, when customers use highly specific search phrases, they tend to be looking for exactly what is on the web page they find.

Consider this five-word keyword: “low carb high fat diet”.  Whoever would come to a website with that long-tail keyword is definitely looking for information about low carb high fat diets.