Online advertising
You can help local contractors with their online advertising. At the same time, you can make a good living from it. Watch the video to see how you can set up directory advertising for contractors.
Best ways to earn money online
- Ten revenue streams built into Income Activator
software - Directory advertising most profitable
- Example on right and in video above is for painting contractors
- We will tell you how to earn money online with directory advertising for
home improvement contractors - This example: ONE lead sent to each of TEN contractors. EACH ONE of them pays you $10 for a total of $100
Earn money online fast
- In
this business model: For each ONE VISITOR who
fills out a form, paid by EACH ADVERTISER on
the page!
Visitors shop for quotes
- People looking for contractors go online to get best quote
- Send your
visitors to advertisers on your page who pay you for
privilege of bidding
One page for each trade
- On home page, can have link to contractors involved
with some aspect of home improvement - Let’s say you are very
familiar with contractors in your city involved with each of these
- Air conditioning
- Electrical
- Heating
- Home remodeling in general
- Kitchen remodeling
- Painting
- Plumbing
- Siding
- Stucco
- Could have a page or a short group of pages devoted to each trade
10 advertisers per page
- Let’s
say you allow maximum of 10 contractors per page - You would
allow only reputable contractors on your website - Earn money online big time
- Reputation of being the place to go for trades information
Earn money online with a painting page
- Has a list of painting contractors
- For each of the other trades, comparable list
- Each contractor page would have a form like one on left
- (Income Activator makes it very simple to make your own customized forms.)
- After visitor fills it out, automatically sent to each painter
- They would EACH pay you, say, $10 for privilege of bidding
- After visitor submits form, they can click on links to find more about each contractor
- Painters would likely consider this to be cheap advertising
$100 per visitor
- 10 painting contractors x $10 per lead = $100
- You would make $100 from that ONE VISITOR
- If you had two visitors per day, that would be $6000 per month!
- With nine different trades, should be easy to get two visitors per day
Income Activator does the work for you
- Income Activator tracks leads and makes the invoices for you
- You can make money while on vacation
Already have your own website?
- If you already have your own website, can still use Income Activator software
- To send out and track leads
- To help you with your online advertising
How much does this all cost?
- EVERYTHING you need to create website, have it hosted, create 10 revenue streams for yourself, etc. for only $30 per month
Not only for contractors
- This directory advertising program is not only for trades people
- Can be used by graphic designers, interior designers, cell phone companies…
- The list goes on
Related web page
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order).” More