Facebook Smileys to Show Emotional Tone

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Pictures of Facebook smileys

facebook smileysMy wife uses šŸ™‚ and šŸ™ for Facebook smileys.Ā  I want to surprise her and show her a website where she can find all sorts of pictures of smiley faces and other emoticons.

BTW, ā€œemoticonā€ stands for ā€œemotion iconā€.Ā  It is meant to convey the writerā€™s feelings or intended tone.Ā  It is meant to help prevent misinterpretation of what was really going on in the writerā€™s head.

Your list of emoticons for Facebook

I found a list of emoticons online entitled List of Emoticons for Facebook. After you get to that web page, there are two classes of emoticons and Facebook thumbs upemojis.

  1. The ones where you key in a few keystrokes.Ā  For instance, if you key in (y), you will get a Facebook like button.
  2. Heart eyes smileyFor others you have to go to the Emoticon website and hover over the tiny icon below an emoticon you like.Ā  Press Cmd C to copy it into your clipboard and paste it (Cmd V) into your Facebook message.Ā  When you click the post button, the emoji will show up.

Donā€™t overdo your emoticons

facebook smileys

Donā€™t overdo those emoticons.Ā  If you do, they will confuse the reader and be rendered useless.

Iā€™d say have a maximum of 2 on any one post.One Two Hashtags


Facebook dislike button?

The Pocket-lint website says

Mad smileyYou can use these emoji-like characters to express a range of emotions, including sadness and anger, meaning they can be considered an alternative to a Dislike button, a feature that many Facebook users have requested from the social network.Ā  Read more.

The Bible in emoji

Bible emoji tweet

The Digital Spy website says

Saint emoji if The Good Book was getting too much to read in your everyday language, you can now read through the text with the assistance of emojis. Read more.

You can get the Bible in emoji for iPad or iPhone for $2.95.

Ellen talks about emoticons




Peter Enns has been developing websites since 1996. He is a social media blogger and author of the free YouTube video-creation tutorial called 7 Day YouTube.


VideoGuy Enns

Author: VideoGuy

I've been a professional educator for years. Right now I'm creating short tutorials about many facets of video creation.

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