Treason, Revealing That Important Information on Social Media

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A petition regarding treason

treasonThere is a petition going around Canada demanding that the RCMP arrest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for treason. Emails & social media send people to the Petitions24 website. The main web page begins with the 4 paragraphs below.

Justin Trudeau, with the Liberal government, has conspired with known terrorist and former Nazi collaborator George Soros to sell Canada’s Syrian migrant policy to 13 undisclosed countries. Soros’s (Open Society Foundation) role on the world stage is: fund regime change and/or destabilize nations, fund terrorism and import unvetted Islamic economic migrants infiltrated by radical Islamic terrorists under the false pretense of “refugee”.  Trudeau and Soros have just increased migrant entry from 25000-50000+ per year. In 2 more years there will be an army inside the border. 

Considering Canada and “western” nations have been at war with radical Islamic terrorists since 9/11, the Liberal government actions constitute HIGH TREASON (section 1B,1C) and TREASON (section 2A-2E) as defined in the criminal code of Canada and is punishable with life in prison.

This has nothing to do with race or racism. It is about an immigration policy mirrored in europe which is now openly admitted to be a dangerous failure and still… Trudeau has brought it home to you.

The Trudeau Liberals have legislated similar migrant policy, hate speech laws, sharia blasphemy laws, and political correctness as Sweden. Swedish women and children are now suffering the most brutal and violent sexual assaults at the hands of Radical Islamic terrorists. These laws have rendered the police and the male citizens powerless to stop these vicious attacks due to risk of imprisonment. This will be the Trudeau/Soros legacy in Canada should you choose to ignore this issueRead more.

The world is getting better

treasonWatch the TED talk called Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers.

The statistics tell us that the world’s people are becoming more literate, working shorter hours, enjoying more electricity & running water and enjoying much less homicide. The human race is becoming healthier, wealthier, wiser, safer & healthier.

Let’s keep it that way in Canada & get rid of our prime minister.

How to get the message out

The list below gives links on how to use various social media to get this petition message out:




What are we trying to prevent?

Before Justin Trudeau became prime minister, our budget was balanced and our grandchildren could look forward to good future. Trudeau has given billions of our tax dollars to foreign entities such as the Clinton Foundation and an Aga Khan Afghanistan charity. We have to pay for that with increased taxation.

Watch the YouTube videos below to get an idea of the type of immigrant his policies will bring into Canada.

Becoming a Palestinian Bomber
Heritage of the Palestinians


Within Pinterest, the Source When Pinning to Pages & Boards

New pins on boards & within pages

within PinterestWhen pinning a new pin for the first time, it is best to source your pin from within Pinterest. You want to let Pinterest know how popular your new pin is.

So, do not add the pin to additional pages from you image library. Do not pin it to different boards from your web page. In both cases, repin it from within Pinterest.

In the example on this post, the URL is

How to embed Pinterest pins within a page

1. Pinterest pin URL

Go to & find the pin you with to embed. Click on it so that it is full screen. Cmd C to copy URL into clipboard.

2. Add specialized code within Pinterest

  • If you are not there already, go to the Pinterest widget builder.
  • Click on the Pin widget link.
  • Cmd V to paste pin URL (see image below.)
  • Choose desired pin size.
  • Add this code on the page you wish the pin to appear:<a data-pin-do=”embedPin” data-pin-width=”large” href=””></a>. Note: It must be added in Text View.
  • Include pinit.js once per page, just before the closing </BODY> tag: <script async defer src=”//”></script>.


The above instructions will produce the pin below.


Text view: As I’m creating this post, I’ve become aware of a bug in the software. In case you have the same bug, let me give you a workaround.

The code that gives the Pinterest pin must be inserted in Text View. Visual view will not work. Then you save it & view your post. If you edit the same post in visual view, the bug will delete the code.

Click here to learn more.

Related pages

How to Use Pinterest
How to Increase Web Clicks Using Pinterest
How to Link to Pinterest from Various Social Media
The Marketing Strategy Behind Posting Other People’s Pins to Your
Pinterest Board
How to Use Pinterest in Your Blog


How to Promote Amazon Ebooks Cheaply

Promote my ebook at no cost

I came across an article called 50 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Promote Your Book. My ebook has  been written already. I’ve tried to promote it and I ran out of money. So, I’m taking every free item from that list to promote my book. As I complete them, I’ll enter them on this blog post. I’ll start with YouTube videos below.



Click here to learn more.

YouTube videos

I already own a program called ScreenFlow. I used it to create YouTube videos to promote my ebook. Watch two of them below.

Notice that there is no narration. Rather there is printed text accompanied by strong music.

To find lots of free music:

  • Go to,
  • Click on your profile picture,
  • Click help,
  • Search for “free music”,
  • Click on “get music from the audio library”,
  • Click on “audio library”,
  • Click on black triangle on left to hear the music and then
  • Click on click on down arrow on right to download into your downloads folder.

Notice that the CTA (call to action) at the end of my videos remains static for about 20 seconds. That is so that people have time to write down the call to action before being taken to someone else’s video.

Facebook page

I made an online search for how to create a Facebook page and followed instructions.

After you have begun to create your Facebook page, you will get an email from Facebook giving you tips on making a good page.

For the profile picture, I used the book cover. (Went to to get a cheap cover created.)

I used GIMP to create a 851 x 315 pixel image.  It is the collage of people you see below. They have disabilities to match the theme of my ebook. Notice how it includes the web address.

This is the web address of my brand new Facebook page. I shared it with 128 of my Facebook friends and asked them to Like it. Ten of them did “like” it.


Twitter allows people to have animated GIFs with their tweets. So, I will use one I created with ScreenFlow as a model for a new one. I need a new one because the ideal size of a Twitter image is twice as wide as it is high.

Then I’ll leave a message that links to the main page promoting the ebook. Below is tweet I made along with the animated GIF that was beneath it.

Comment on threads in Facebook groups


You will get better results if you have private & closed Facebook groups. The members are similar to each other in that they all have the same interests. The people within the group will comment, share and help each other. They ask questions and answer other members’ questions. They are a community of people working together to help their shared interests come to fruition.

How to find & join the right Facebook group

  1. Make a Facebook search for the topic in which you are interested.
    1. In my case, I’m interested in serving customers with disabilities. So, I searched for people interested in customer service and disabilities. I found a group that I had joined about 3 months previous and completely forgotten about.
    2. The group is called Disability Visibility Project.
    3. I read their about section and decided this group would be a perfect match for me.

Before discussing this group, here’s a tip that did not work for me but it might work for you. While you are at the new group Facebook group page, you will see information in the right-hand column about related groups. It may be a good idea to also join some of the related groups. In my case the only related group was one I had started myself.

However, I made a post asking for advice in getting my message out. Someone sent me a link to the Michiana Disability Advocacy & Support Facebook support group.

How to promote your business within a Facebook group

  1. Start answering questions so that group members will begin to notice you.
    1. For my first post, I read that someone from New Zealand wanted to know about the top disability issues from around the world. So, I replied by posting a YouTube video about Michael Haines (author of the ebook I’m promoting).
  2. Ask some questions yourself.
  3. Give people an easy to to check out your business. In my case, I’ll subtly mention my ebook often. The title is How to Serve Customers with Disabilities. Importantly, I let them know that the corresponding website is
  4. Talk about your successes.

For more details about the above 4 points, go to the corresponding YouTube video.

Second post

My second post on the group page about disabilities is below.



















For my third post, I searched for the word “inclusion”. I knew that is a word used by people with disabilities. They want to be more included with the mainstream.

I found a post with that word. I replied to it with this reply.


When I made my fourth post I was in a hurry. I posted it as a reply to someone else’s post. I had not read that post closely enough.

Later I got a message from the moderator saying  that she had deleted the post because it was not related to the post to which I replied.

I learned a good lesson: Always read over the posts carefully.

Unhappy ending

The moderator must have realized what I was doing. My publishing privileges have been revoked.


Related videos

Facebook Groups Marketing
27 tips to help you master Facebook Groups



How to Market Your Amazing Ebook on Amazon

The problem

There are well over 6 million ebooks available for sale on Amazon. When people search for the topic of your book, how will they even find it among so many books?

Here is the cover of my ebook. I was asked to choose two categories in which the ebook belonged. I chose Disabilities and Customer Service.

When people choose either of those categories, I want my title to be listed near the top. It is very much like wanting to be on page 1 of Google.

Below are some of the tricks I used to market my book.

How I launched and promoted my ebook in 13 steps

1. Pre-launch on Twitter

Before I even put the ebook up for sale on Amazon, I created the tweet below.


The tweet reads: I’m launching a new ebook called How to Serve Customers with . It’s a training manual. Reply to this tweet if you want early access to Amazon’s 5-day free ebook promotion.

If people do reply, I will send them a  link to where on Amazon they can get a free ebook. At the end of chapter 1 there will be a request for a review on Amazon. The request will include the link image below.


Having lots of reviews helps a book get closer to the top of the search list.

2. Create website

Before starting the 5-day promotion mentioned below, make sure you have a high-quality website. (See example.) You home page ideally will make people want to see the book. Try to make sure there is a testimonial page.

3. Publish book

Go here for instructions on how to publish an ebook.

One thing that can hold you up while trying to publish is not completing the tax information. I’m a Canadian living in Canada. So, I went to to get a tax identification number (TIN).

I finally completed the Tax Information Interview and filled in the radio button below.

Then I was taken to another page where I checked the form and clicked the Exit Interview button.

That took me back to a KDP Amazon page where I was told that I had completed the required tax documents.

I returned to the Jumpstart web page and clicked on #3, Write Your Book Description.

On scrap paper I jotted down all of the information I gleaned using Jumpstart. This included a “yes” for DRM and the categories. (Mind you, I could not use the categories I had chosen. They were not in the list.)

Then I went to this web page for pretty good uploading instructions.

This page is where you can check to make sure you HTML manuscript and cover have been uploaded properly.

If you read the Kindle Create PDF file mentioned below, you will realize that there are 3 types of books. For a book with lots of images, this is the best way to make your ebook uploadable:

Click here to learn more.

  • Make a PDF file of the ebook, check it very carefully to make sure the links work & the images are in the right place.
    • Check every page, especially to make sure that no titles are on the bottom line.
    • If there are shortcomings, fix them in the DOC file and make a new PDF file.
  • Use Kindle Create to change that PDF file into a KC folder.
    • Make sure the pictures are attached properly.
  • AmazonWhen you click Publish, Kindle Create produces a publishable file (.kpf) that you can submit to KDP. (The .kpf file is only used for publishing; the .kcb file is used for updates.)
  • Upload the ebook to Amazon.
  • To learn much more about Kindle Create, study this PDF file.
  • AmazonNote that the KCB file mentioned above is in the KC folder.
  • After you finish publishing, hover over the In Review text. You will get the text shown below. That means you are finished and you can relax.Amazon



  • After the 72 hours is up, you can stop relaxing and start marketing using the suggestions from this blog post.  (In my case, about 12 hours after I uploaded the ebook to Amazon, I received an email saying that the ebook was now listed and available for sale.)

4. Ask for reviews within book


Remember that may people will not finish a book. Also, remember that people are more likely to give reviews if you make it easy for them.

Combining those 2 ideas, the about Click button was inserted at the end of chapter 1. It has a link to

Lots of positive reviews will help push your book closer to the top of the Amazon search engine. Keep in mind that they will not be able to leave a review unless they have spent at least $50 on Amazon in the previous year.

This was first started during the 5-day Free Book Promotion.

5. Five-day free ebook promotion

    1. Create a PDF file that has click buttons similar to the one in the article above. The purpose of this is to get more positive reviews on your ebook. That will help increase Amazon search engine rankings.
    2. Open Kindle Create and use the New Project from File to change the PDF file into several other files including  KCB file.
    3. Go to Amazon and search for the title of your book.
    4. Make sure you are signed in with your Amazon username & password.
    5. Go to Kindle Direct Publishing.


      1. In the right-hand column click on Non-fiction or whatever category your book is in.
      2. Click on Bookshelf in the horizontal menu.
      3. Click on Promote and Advertise next to the book you are trying to promote.
      4. Click Manage KDP Select Enrollment.
      5. Under Run a Price Promotion heading, click Free Book Promotion radio button
        1. Click Create a New Free Book Promotion button
        2. Choose start & end date.
          1. These dates are as of midnight Pacific time. So, if dates were set at Sept.2 to Sept.6, the promotion would run all day Sept.2,3,4,5, and 6 Pacific time.
          2. Scroll down and you will see that the promotion has been created.
KDP Select

Note: If you set up a free ebook promotion, you must have chosen KDP Select. That means you will be unable to sell the ebook on any other platform for about 3 months.

To enroll, go to the KDP Select page and scroll down to How to Enroll.


6. Ask Facebook friends


Create an eye-catching graphic. Beside it ask people to download the free ebook before the end of the 5-day promotion. Ask for review.


7. Blast to email address book

Create an email that explains your ebook and makes people want to share it. Starting with the letter “A”, start dragging select email addresses into the BCC section of the email. After the last address as been sent in, enter your own address into the email so that you can check the performance. Send it.

8. List on free ebook sites

Go to sites such as Reddit, Slickdeals, Mashable and Hongkiat to see if it is reasonable to add your free 5-day promotion to their website.

9. Search out teachers from Udemy

Go to the Udemy website to find what online classes are being taught in your subject area. Each time you find a class, look up the teacher. You may have to use both Facebook & LinkedIn.

Email them and ask them to contact their students to find a free copy of the ebook. Tip: Create a sample email so that it will be very easy for them to copy & paste it.

10. Notify links in your ebook

You most likely have links to other websites within your ebook. If so, write an email corresponding to each of the links.

For instance:


Please forward this to the appropriate person.

Page 36 of our new ebook, How to Serve Customers with Disabilities, has a link to one of your web pages: Check it out:

11. Contact free book groups on Facebook & Twitter

AmazonAmazonIn the Facebook & Twitter websites, search for free Kindle books and Twitter free ebook promotions respectively. Contact some of these groups and promote your 5-day free trial.

12. Thank people on Facebook

AmazonAmazonHave a graphic on Facebook along with a thank you to the people who have given reviews. Tell them how long the ebook will still be free. Go to Amazon’s Your Account > Your Orders to see if anyone has downloaded the free ebook. If so, mention that statistic also.

This will encourage other people to give reviews.

13. Pricing your ebook

Ebooks on Amazon are priced significantly lower than an equivalent paper book in a bookstore. If you price your book between $2.99 & $9.99 USD, you get a 70% royalty. Otherwise you get a 35% royalty.

So, the minimum I’m willing to charge for my book is $2.99 USD. The maximum is $9.99 USD.

After my 5-day free ebook period is over, I’m going to set the price at $2.99. I might make more money at a higher price. But, I want to get more volume so that it will have a higher ranking on the Amazon search engine.

The 2 categories of my book are physical impairments and customer relations. So, I will search Amazon Kindle books & look at prices of similar books in each of those categories.

The most common price for customer service is $9.99 USD. However, none of the ones on page one of the search engine mention physical impairments. Physical impairments is the main topic of the book.

However, when I searched for those categories, they were too broad. So, I searched using the keywords disabilities & customer service.

I’ll put more weight on the prices of books in the Disabilities category. There was one book on page one that covers both Disabilities and Customer Service. It was priced at $4.99 USD.

So, for the third week I will raise the price the price to $4.99. For the fourth week I will raise it to somewhere under $10.

Then I will chart profits for each of those 4 price points. The price with the highest profit will become the semi-permanent price.


Related pages

The DNA of a Successful Amazon Seller
How to Get Your First 100 Sales
10 Steps to Reselling Your Product (Infographic)
How to Promote Your Ebook at No Cost


How to Find What Sub-niches Want Your Amazing Product

Who wants your sub-niches?

sub-nichesI came across a fascinating website today. It’s about what they call the Ask Method class. The idea is to find what smaller-niches want your product and market to them. The Ask Method people call each of these sub-niches a bucket.

Drilling down with Google

The Ask Method people say that you can find your ideal sub-niches by using Google to figure out what people are searching for. Let me give you an example from my personal experience.

sub-nichesI sell a training manual called How to Serve Customers with Disabilities.  So, I typed this into the Google search window: best training manual for. (If I was selling socks, I  would have typed best socks for.) Google gave a number of examples of what people had searched for when the search began with “best training manual for”. For my purposes, the four best phrases were:

  • Receptionists.
  • Restaurant staff.
  • Restaurants and
  • Front office hotel.

I drilled down further with “restaurant staff”. I typed best restaurant staff training for into the Google search box and got:

  • Restaurant server training manual template.
  • Restaurant server training outline.
  • Basic training for restaurant staff and
  • Restaurant employee training manual.

Click here to learn more.

Bottom of SERP

I decided that the most useful phrase of the 4 above phrases was Restaurant employee training manual. So, I went to and entered the above phrase into the search box. The SERP (search engine results page) had 8 search results at the bottom.

I decided that basic training for restaurant staff was close to the phrase I wanted to use. However, the training manual I’m promoting is titled How to Serve Disabled Customers. So, I decided that the ideal phrase would be basic training for restaurant serving staff .

Become an authority

Using the above information, you can drill down and find very specific sub-niches in your area of expertise. Then you can write blog posts in those areas and use the sub-niche phrases several times in each article.

You could become known as an authority in your sub-niches. Your blog posts could become the go-to posts to find information in your area of expertise.

You can communicate to these groups in a more targeted way. In my example, I could:

  • Target my promotion to every business and organization that deals with customers who have disabilities. Or, using sub-niche marketing, I could
  • Target specifically at people who are searching for basic training for restaurant serving staff.

It is intuitively obvious that the second bullet point would be the preferable marketing strategy.

Examples of sub-niche marketing




After writing this article, I created the Pinterest pin you see to the right. I also created the blog post you see below. It also promotes the training manual within the article. (Click on the picture below if you want to read the blog post.)

The sub-niche heading is the first H2 heading. The name of the article was different because I felt it was more likely to entice people to read the article. (I could be wrong.)

Related pages

8 ways to find profitable sub-niches
Target specifically using a Pinterest group board

How to Increase Web Clicks Using Pinterest

100 clicks a day from Pinterest

PinterestJonathan Gebauer from The Social Ms is a social media whiz with 170,000 Twitter followers. I just read his email about Pinterest.

He wrote about what you can do to get 100 clicks a day from Pinterest. All you have to do, Jonathan says, is work with the four points below a half hour a day for 2 weeks.

1. Find your niche

  • PinterestAsk yourself, “What would my customers search for on Pinterest?” For instance, I’m selling a training manual entitled How to Serve Customers with Disabilities. Logic would tell me that they would search for staff training. So, I should have a board on staff training.
  • Then get more specific. Precisely what form of staff training would my customer be interested in? I could call a board Disability Training.
    • If you have, for instance, a board for your jewellery business, Jewellery may not be precise enough for the search engines. People may be more inclined to search for “necklaces” or “bracelets”. So, have one  board called Necklaces and another called Bracelets.
  • Find your topic & stick to it for the long haul. Pinterest shows people pin based on what they’ve pinned & repined.

2. Start pinning

Pin daily to your board or boards. Pin 5-10 other people’s pins for each one of your own.

Pinterest is interest & keyword based. So, make sure each of the pins is related to your board. Make sure each pin on a particular board is related to your keywords & interests.

3. Get followers

Every day follow a couple of people. People will begin to follow you. Try to get a couple hundred followers.

To follow or unfollow a particular board:

  1. Search for the person & visit their profile
  2. Click Follow or Unfollow

If the above does not work, watch the video below.

4. Group boards

Find group boards in your niche. Contact the owners and ask if they want to work together and share content. After I’ve found a few of these cooperative group boards, post to each one every day.

You get a targeted audience that isn’t seeing you yet.

Learn how to create & use group Pinterest boards.


Multiple pages about Pinterest

Go to this menu to find multiple tips about using Pinterest.

How to Make Your First Online Quiz

Amazing marketing with an online quiz

online quizAn online quiz is the most shared content on social media. These quizzes can be used to market just about anything.

The picture on the right represents the first two questions of a complex online quiz.

In this post you will learn how to make a very simple online quiz.

Getting started

  • Go to
  • Click the green Try Now button to get 14 days free access.
  • Sign up and store your username & password in a safe place.
  • online quizClick on the Dashboard link.
  • Click Create link on the horizontal menu.
  • online quizClick the turquoise Quiz icon
  • If you are using an online quiz for marketing, it is foolish to not have lots of pictures in it.
    • You can go to and get some at no charge. (Their higher quality photos cost money.)
    • All pictures must be oriented wide, square or tall. So, click on the proper orientation button.
    • Drag and drop your picture into the main image panel.
  • online quizGive your quiz a title.
  • Throughout the quiz-making app you will see the letter “i” within a grey circle.
  • Click blue Question 1 Untitled button
  • Add your first question and up to four possible answers
  • Click the radio button of the correct answer.
  • Click plus sign on blue square to add more questions.
  • Have a maximum of 10 questions.
  • Click the Save button near the middle of the top.
  • When you are finished, click My Riddles in the horizontal menu.
  • Click the 3 dots to the right of Edit
  • Click the green Publish button in order to make your quiz public.
  • Click the green Get Code Button.
  • Click Copy. The code is now in you clipboard.
  • Open a web page in Text view and Cmd V to paste the code wherever you want it on the page.
  • Save your page and check the quiz to make sure it works.


How to Market on Facebook with a Quiz

Free advertising with a quiz

quizWhen you market with a quiz or personality test, you are using the most shared content on social media. You will be paying for promoting your quiz on Facebook. However, every time someone shares your quiz, that will be FREE advertising.

Two types of quizzes that can get you lots of social shares are

  • quizzes that make people laugh and
  • quizzes that make people realize how good or smart you are.

Facebook advertising to show how smart you are

The sample quiz and Facebook ad on this page represents a campaign to sell an e-book to restaurant managers. It is designed to help them train staff how to serve customers with disabilities.

The image above displays the first two of six questions of a quiz aimed at people who are general managers of restaurants. (Over 25,000 Facebook users in Canada list that as their occupation.)

quizSo, once the quiz has been created, you would go to the bottom of the left-hand column in your Facebook account. You would click on Create > Ad. When you get to the Detailed Targeting section, you would type “restaurant” in the Include box. Then you would click on Restaurant General Manager.

The preamble in your advertising says that 13.7% of Canadians have a disability that interferes with their daily life. This often includes going to restaurants that do not cater to people with disabilities very well.

So, the quiz users would show how smart they are by answering a number of questions that teach people a bit about how to cater to restaurant customers with disabilities. It they ace the quiz, they could very likely share the quiz with other restaurant managers they know.

Earn a percentage of the selling price for every book sold.

Click here to learn more.

Technical help 

There a number of different companies that have the software available for creating a quiz. After lots of study, I decided to use Riddle. They have a excellent PDF file telling you just about everything you have to know about how to create online quizzes.

Important tips

quizThink about the points below. I suspect they will help to make your quiz more effective.

  • Before making your promotion public, time a friend while he/she is taking the quiz.
    • It must take under 3 minutes.
    • If any of the questions are confusing to your friend, change or eliminate them.
  • Have a maximum of 10 questions.
  • After someone answers each question,
    • Set things up that immediately tells whether the answer is right or wrong.
    • At the same time, give the right answer.
  • Immediately after the last question & answer, tell them they can see a PDF file with much more background information about each question.
    • In order to get that PDF file, they will have to fill in a very short form giving their name & email address.  (See more below.)
  • Have a short, punchy title.
    • I used How to Increase Your Customer Base.
    • The headline analyzer page will show you how to create headlines that get more views.
  • Make sure you use an SSL certificate so that people can buy securely from your website.
  • Make sure you track your various answers with Facebook pixels.

To get them to fill in a form and give their email addresses, you can write something like To read a detailed explanation of why each answer is the correct one, enter your first name & email address. We will immediately email you those explanations. You may want to use AWeber to email out those emails. That’s a better alternative than having someone hang around your email box 24 hours a day.

There is good statistical wisdom behind the above points. If you decide to deviate from any of those points, make sure you read over the Quizmaster PDF file before doing so.

Before using Riddle

Before using Riddle or whatever quiz-creation program you are using, create

  • a quiz using Word or Pages
  • a website used to promote the product you want to sell
    • To see an example of such a website, go to
      • That website is built around an e-book it is selling.
    • On that website, have a PDF file that people go to in order to read the rationale behind the quiz answers. (See next paragraph.)
      • This is part of the email address collecting process.

PDF into web page — I want to have the PDF file in a web page where I’m featuring the product that the quiz is promoting. The PDF file gives more data elaborating on each of the questions.

I use Apple Pages. If you use Word, you will have to adjust the points below a bit. 

Write the information for your quiz user in a Pages or Word File. Create the new PDF file using something like the Pages File > Export.

Then go to PDF2Go to compress the PDF file. Save it using only letter and numbers with NO spaces.

Start by saving it in your Finder as a file with no spaces.  Then drag that re-named file onto the PDF2GO page. Click the Save button at the bottom. Then click green Download button.

Go to the appropriate page for the rest of the instructions.

View the page that has the new PDF link. Click on the link. The target page is the page URL that AWeber will send to the people who filled out the form.  E.g., you would use WPmadesimple to add the PDF file link to this page. Then you would click that link to get to the final PDF page. Quiz users would be willing to give their email addresses so that they could see that final PDF page.

Technical part of creating the quiz

  • Create quiz questions and answers and also the PDF page before starting technical part
  • Go to
  • If you have already signed up, click on the Dashboard link in the horizontal menu.
    • To begin creating a brand new quiz, click Create in the horizontal menu.
  • If you have not signed up yet, click the green button below “free for 14 days”.
  • Click the Create link in the horizontal menu.
  • Click the turquois Quiz icon.
  • Give your quiz a short catchy title.
  • Click on the letter “i” beside image to get the sizes of image from which to choose.
    • Ideally each quiz question will have a picture beside it. Each picture in the quiz must be the same shape. (Landscape, portrait or square.)
    • Choose a picture that relates to your title.
  • Fill in an image, a title that whets their appetite and a description that makes the reader want to learn more.
  • Click Question 1 blue button.
  • Add image to match question if you can.
  • Copy & paste the question from  your Pages file.
  • You can click Add an Answer button for more choices.
    • Have a maximum of 4 choices.
    • Click radio button of correct answer.
    • Click Save button near top middle.
  • Click plus sign below Question 1 blue button
  • Make question and answer #2.
  • Have no more than 10 questions.
  • Quiz must take less than 3 minutes.
  • Click on Score 0% – 50% button.
  • Have maximum of 4 of these buttons.
  • Use interesting language to describe quiz users in each range of number correct.

Immediately after last question…

Insert a lead generation form.

If you are using Riddle:

  • Click on the Collect Leads button after you finished creating the last question & answer.
  • Then click on Lead Generation Form.
  • Click on 2. Connect button.
  • Click the Connect to AWeber button.
  • Click on green button to get authorization code.
  • Paste authorization code into box & click on Connect AWeber.
  • You will get an email saying you’ve connected Riddle to your AWeber account.
  • You will see a number of fields that could go into your form.
  • Click Customize link to do things such as change colour of buttons and fonts.
  • Click tiny blue save button at the top.
  • Click Advanced button to do things such as adding a Facebook pixel.

Notes on the above bullet points


  • If you want AWeber to automatically send out your emails as soon as someone has filled out a form, click the Connect to AWeber button.

You can use MailChimp instead of AWeber. I talk about AWeber because it is the only email forwarding company I’ve every used and I am very pleased with it. Besides that, I get a small amount of money if you pay for AWeber.

AWeber is one of the most widely used email automation marketing tools on the market today. If you use the process above, AWeber and Riddle will be integrated to make the whole process of collecting leads and quiz responses an intuitive and quick process.

Form Intro

Here you insert the text you use to entice the quiz taker into giving their email address. Right after the last question they will still be thinking about giving information. That is the ideal place to ask for their email address.

So, have some enticing text in the Description such as this: For more background information behind these quiz answers, fill in the form below. We will immediately send you a PDF form giving you the rationale plus more information supporting each answer.

For the Label you can have a very short title that would draw them into reading the Description. For instance, the italicized text above could have Background Information for the label.

They then fill in the form with their name & email address. That data will go to AWeber. That company will in turn email the quiz user whatever PDF file you gave them.


Campaigns is the AWeber platform that automates sending emails to the right person at the right time.


Learn more: How to get started with Campaigns.

Selling a product

In the example on this page we will be earning our money by selling a high quality e-book about serving people with disabilities. To promote the product, a website appealing to the target audience (restaurant general managers) was created.

quizThe financial benefit of a restaurant general manager having the e-book would be increased sales. The manager would use the information for staff training. People with disabilities would have more pleasant experiences in the restaurant. They would frequent the restaurant more often as would their friends and families.

In order to make the website more appealing, it would be about more than just customers with disabilities. It would be about how to increase your restaurant sales. So, the domain name was purchased.

I did not want the website to be only about serving people with disabilities. So, it also includes a section on where to get free software to help people order online and also reserve a table.

I want to send people to the most important page on the website. So, I used an URL shortener to make it easier to deal with. For instance, people can now go to by simply typing into a browser window.

Attached PDF file

You may be offering the visitors an e-book in the form of a PDF file. That is what I am doing for How to Serve Customers with Disabilities e-book. I will be hosting it in Google Drive.

The e-book was created using Microsoft Word. I took the final version of the e-book and, in Microsoft Word, clicked on File > Save As. For the saving location I chose a folder in Google Drive. For the file format I selected PDF.


More information about attaching a PDF file

Adding a link into an AWeber message
Connecting your AWeber account to your Riddle account
Creating messages to be sent to subscribers
Hosting a PDF file on Google drive
Message sent out as soon as email is received


List — The way that you differentiate messages and subscribers from others in your AWeber account. For example, you may have a quiz about a pet grooming business. From the quiz answers you could tell whether someone was mainly interested in dogs or cats. So, one subscribers’ list at AWeber would be about dogs and another would be about cats.

Tag — One element of a subscriber’s information. For instance, you might have a quiz about favourite categories of foods. The category could determine what kind of information you would send the each person. The categories would be called “tags”. One person’s tag could be fruit. Another person’s tag could be vegetables.

You would send these tags to AWeber. Then, when the emails are sent out, there could be a different email for each tag.

Read the article about how to use tags with AWeber campaigns.

This is Facebook Advertising to a Special Audience

Facebook advertising, a combination of 3 parameters

Facebook advertisingTo succeed in Facebook advertising, you must have:

    • The right targeting
    • A great image or video
    • Compelling copy.


With the right combination of interests, behaviours & location, you can drill down to as low as one person in your target audience.

What you see to the right is part of an infographic called All of Facebook’s Ad Targeting Options. View it here.

Targeting is such a complex concept that you will likely lose money with Facebook advertising if you don’t understand it.

In my case, I want to make a sponsored post in my news feed. It will be targeted towards restaurant managers in Canada.

There were 22,317 people in Canada who had registered “restaurant general manager” as their occupation in their Facebook profiles.

I assumed that the most likely person to be interested in the e-book would be the manager of a restaurant. I also assumed that managers of very small restaurants such as what you’d see in a mall food court would not be interested. So, I tried to exclude people who are interested in fast food.

Note that targeting audiences is not an exact science. Facebook is not able to obtain all of the correct data. So, targeting involves a certain amount of guess work.

Below is how I set up my targeting aimed at people who are most likely to buy an e-book about how to serve people with disabilities.

Sample ad creation with a target market

Facebook advertising

          1. Facebook advertisingI opened Facebook and went to Create > Ad near the lower left-hand corner.
          2. For marketing objective I chose Conversions.
          3. Bottom of page: I named my campaign Conversion to Buy E-book.
          4. For Website I entered URL of page that has the pertinent quiz plus Add to Cart buttons.
          5. Left the Languages box blank unless I would have wanted a language other than English.
          6. Facebook advertisingUnder Detailed Targeting, I typed in restaurant manager. That gave me 3 options. I clicked on Restaurant General Manager. For reasons that seem illogical to me, that restricted my potential reach too much. So, I had to add another option.
          7. In the next box (and MUST also match…), I clicked on Suggestions and then Restaurant Management. That increased my potential reach by a huge amount.
          8. Then, still in the Include section, I clicked Suggestions. Then I selected more examples. If the Potential Reach went down and the Daily Reach went up, I would keep it. Otherwise I would delete the selection.
          9. Facebook advertisingBy including more categories, you increase your potential audience. By excluding, you make it more specific. It is best to keep your targeting narrow rather than being broad. Narrower audiences are often easier to reach on a limited budget and are more likely to convert into sales. However, in my case, I could not find a good reason to logically exclude more potental buyers.
          10. In this section you can also look at your target audience’sinterests. This can be as finely targeted as the type of pages they “liked”.
          11. Also, try to find when they are researching on how to increase customer base.
          12. Clicked Save This Audience.

Budget & daily reach

Up to a point, the more you spend per day, the more people will see your add each day. For instance, my ad could potentially be seen by 71,000 people. With a $2/day budget, an estimated 88 – 460 people per day would see the ad. With a $4/day budget, an estimated 170 – 860 people per day would see the ad.

including & excluding

For my ad, I entered Canada for the location. For what to include in the Detailed Category, I typed in “restaurant manager”. I was presented with 3 choices and I chose “restaurant general manager”. As long as they are the general manager, I am not concerned about their age or gender.

Facebook advertisingThere are other categories that you could include or exclude for your audience. To decide what to do, hover over the letter i. (See graphic above.) That will give you a definition of the category. Use that knowledge to help you decide whether to include or exclude people in that category.

For the Interests category, I excluded people who are interested in Fast Food. My assumption is that most fast food restaurant managers would not be interested in buying our e-book.

A great image

Facebook advertisingA mediocre image will not do. You have to get a picture that tells a story.

There are plenty of free image websites out there. I went to and entered “restaurant wheelchair” into the search box.

There was no free image that was good enough. So, I clicked the Related Images from iStock button and paid $36 USD for it.

A Facebook ad photo should be 1200 x 628 pixels. So,I used the Eyedropper tool to grab some light red from the man’s shirt and resized my photo with two bars.

Compelling copy

When writing your copy, imagine you are writing to one person and one person alone. That will be the person you have found with your target market.

      • Focus all of your attention on that one person and his/her needs.
      • Make sure your text and your image have the same theme.
      • Write text in a grade 5 or so level.
      • Have a clear goal.
      • Have a clear CTA (call to action).
      • Keep it short. Let them know how we can help them solve a problem in a clear, concise manner. When they read it, they should know:
        • What you are offering.
        • How it will benefit them.
        • What they should do next.
      • Go to your Facebook feed and read a bunch of ads for ideas.
      • Run 2 Facebook ads that are identical except for minor changes in text. See which one converts better.


Budget of $1 or $2/day

Look at case study #4 in the web page of 13 case studies. For $30/month, it cost the company $0.25 to reach each 1000 customers using Facebook advertising. Compare that to $0.75 for LinkedIn and $2.75 for Google AdWords.

In the Placement section of the Facebook Ad Creation page I selected:

      • Automatic Placements
      • A budget of $2 CAD/day. This will rise as I am tweaking the ad.
      • I set the dates to be starting we expect to have the e-book finished. It is set to run for a month. (I will not finish the ad until the e-book actually has been finished.)
      • Bid strategy is Lowest Cost.

Facebook advertising numbers

      • You can have: One image plus text
      • Ad image sizes: 1200 x 628 pixels
      • Text limit: 90 characters
      • Headline text limit: 25 characters
      • Link description limit: 30 characters
      • Maximum amount of text overlay: Less than 20 percent of image.
      • Video aspect ratio: 16:9 (full landscape) or 1:1 (square) (other aspect ratios available for specific campaign types)
      • Maximum video length: 120 minutes

To find the numbers for the less common types of ads, go to the Complete Guide, select the page and Cmd F to search for “slideshow”.

Facebook advertisingIf your image size is not 1200 x 628 px, it will get cropped. So, I resized my photo with two bars.

The link URL was greater than 30 characters. So, I changed it to

Analyzing for ROI

To help figure out your Facebook advertising ROI (return on investment), use a Facebook pixel. That is a small piece of Javascript code that you paste into the head section of your key pages. It will tell you how many people take action on your ad and which ad leads to a conversion.

The above does not give enough information. So, read more at Measure Conversions.

Sample Facebook pixel

<!– Facebook Pixel Code –>
s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,’script’,
fbq(‘init’, ‘322497177900987’);
fbq(‘track’, ‘PageView’);
fbq(‘track’, ‘AddToCart’);
<noscript><img height=”1″ width=”1″ style=”display:none”
<!– End Facebook Pixel Code –>

Note that the code snippet in orange does not come with your Facebook pixel code. It is one of  nine different standard event codes that is added just before the ending script code (</script>).

This particular standard event code tracks when items are added to a shopping cart. Learn more about standard event codes.

Learn much more about Facebook pixels.

If you are having trouble pasting the code snippet into your head section, read over this Header FAQ.  If Facebook advertisingyou are confused when it talks about “child theme”, enter
“child theme” into the search box and press Enter.

Misc. valuable information about Facebook advertising

  • The higher the relevance score, the lower the cost per click (CPC).
  • If you fail to place the right ad bids, two things might happen:
    • You’ll pay too much for your ad results or
    • Your ads will not get delivered due to low bids.
  • Never assume your advertising strategy is perfect from the beginning. Start with a low dollar amount. Never assume anything. Always test everything.
  • Average cost per click is $0.20 USD in Canada and $0.26 USD in the USA. source
  • Run your Facebook ad campaigns with automatic placements for some time. After you’ve got some results, you can exclude the placements where costs are highest.
    • After you’ve got some results, you can exclude the placements where costs are highest.

The above ad on Facebook was our very first quiz ad. Among other things, that page has the same Add to Cart buttons that you see in the upper right-hand corner of this page.

Figuring out your ROI (return on investment)


Go to the Build Your URL page.


The information you just read only scratches the Facebook advertising surface. To learn more, read some of the related pages below.

Related pages

5 Ridiculously Powerful Facebook Ad Targeting Strategies
Aspect ratios for Facebook ads
How AdWords Life Events Targeting Lifts Brand Interest 175%
All of Facebook’s Ad Targeting Options
9 Tips to Write the Best Facebook Ads Ever
How refined your targeting can get
Complete guide to advertising on Facebook
4 steps for successful advertising on Facebook
How to target specialized audiences with Facebook ads
Facebook pixel for conversion optimization & tracking
Facebook ad bidding
Creating a campaign using video views objective
Facebook relevance score
Checklist of what to include in your ad


How to Quickly Upload Videos from Android to Secure Google Drive

Clear out videos to add memory

Google Drive

Suppose you are on vacation and have filmed a number of short videos with your Android smartphone. You are afraid that you may soon run out of memory. So, what do you do? Before you left home, I hope you created a Videos folder in Google Drive. Find your Android’s Google Drive icon.

You will upload your videos to Google Drive and then delete all of your videos from your smartphone. Then you can continue on your vacation confident that you have room on your smartphone for lots more videos.

Don’t see Google Drive icon?

Google DriveWhat if you can’t find a Google Drive icon?

    • Most likely be in a Google folder on Android screen
    • Hold your finger on Google folder icon.
    • It will open displaying a number of icons for different Google apps.
    • Hold finger on Google Drive icon
    • Drag it out of folder.
    • Tap Back icon to close folder.


Upload to Google Drive

  • Tap the Google Drive icon.
  • Find and tap Videos folder.
  • Then tap blue circle with white plus sign.
  • Tap Upload
  • Tap each video (MP4 file) you wish to upload.
    • (For reasons unknown to me, sometimes you have to tap Open at this point and sometimes you do not.)
  • You will see a moving blue progress bar.
    • As soon as it quits moving, your MP4 file will have been uploaded.

After you get home…

After you get home, go to Google Drive > Videos on your desktop and double-click on your various videos you see in Finder. That will automatically  open your  videos using QuickTime Player. If you do not have that program, download a free version of QuickTime Player from the Softonic website.

Edit with ScreenFlow

Google DriveIf you want to edit your videos, you can do that with ScreenFlow. You can add video clips together, add titles and add many other amazing features with ScreenFlow. Click on the blue Free Trial button on the image to the right.


Rotate video 90 degrees

Google DriveAfter you get home, you open the MP4 files in Google Drive. And some of your videos are sideways. If you have ScreenFlow, there is a simple way to rotate those clips.

Go to your ScreenFlow timeline and select a clip that needs rotating. In the panel to the right:

  • Click video icon
  • Go down to Z rotation
  • Change number to 90 degrees as you see on the animated GIF here.
  • Press Tab key to save the number 90.